A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

A top-down educational stealth game set in Cebu, Philippines during  Former President Ferdinand Marcos Sr.'s regime. Players, as student activists, evade military forces , save key figures, and restore democracy, blending stealth gameplay with historical education.

Updated 17 days ago
Published 18 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Tags16-bit, 2D, Pixel Art, Top-Down, Unity


1081 - Mac 107 MB
1081 - Windows (32-bit)
1081 - Windows (64-bit)

Install instructions

Downloading the Game

  1. Choose the appropriate version of the game for your operating system
    1. macOS
    2. Windows 64-bit
    3. Windows 32-bit
  2. If prompted with a message like "Google Drive can't scan this file for viruses," click "download anyway" to proceed with the download. 

Installing on Windows 32-bit/64-bit

  1. Download the appropriate  zip file version of the game. 
  2. Right-click the downloaded ZIP file and select "Extract All..."
  3. Choose a destination folder and click "Extract."
  4. Open the extracted folder and double-click 1081.exe to start the game. 

Installing on macOS

  1. Download the appropriate  zip file version of the game.
  2.  Double-click the downloaded ZIP file to extract it. The Archive Utility will automatically extract the contents to the same location. 
  3. Open the extracted folder and drag the 1081.app to your Applications folder.
  4. Open your Applications folder and double-click 1081.app to start the game.
    - If you see a warning about the app being from an unidentified developer, right-click (or Control-click) the 1081.app and select "Open." Confirm that you want to open the app when prompted. 


macOS:  App Can't Be Opened - Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click "Open Anyway." 

Windows: Missing DLL Files - Ensure that all required dependencies are installed. 

If you encounter any other issues, please contact us through liamgillamac@proton.me.

Enjoy the game!


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I would love to have a keybinding for space button - I tried to make shield with space but it doesn't work, even when it has no other common keybind.

Thanks for your feedback, Mike! We will look into this. In the meantime, we hope you're enjoying the game so far :))

Other than that, it was pretty fine! I loved the animations and graphics, I never knew such a project could be pulled off. I also love learning about history so learning about it in such a way that it does not bore me feels really good. I'm just blocked out of it to a degree because it seemed somewhat tough but I also appreciate it as it shows the people's struggles in a way.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback, Mike! Our goal was to make learning engaging, so it's great to hear that you found it good. We appreciate your perspective on the challenges presented and we'll keep them in mind as we continue to improve the project.